But Handling exceptions in called Task is easy enough when you know how
The Key is looking at the Task.IsFaulted bool.
- Task.IsFaulted is true : The task was ended on an exception.
- Task.IsFaulted is false: The task was ended normally (no exception)
Exceptions Returned by Task
The exceptions are returned as a collection, the top exception is fairly useless and you have look at the innerException to find the real cause for the issue.
What if I don't handle Exceptions
Well!! you code will run as the Task was run successfully and your calling layer/ui may be in a state that is less than ideal and your application may stop working and it may (read will) take a long time for you to find out or debug the exact issue. Tasks without exception handling are black holes waiting to happen.
// Run Stuff in BackGround
Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>;
//Do this in the background
}).ContinueWith(task =>;
//Check to see if there was a exception on the task handle it.
if (task.IsFaulted)
string exMessage = "unknown error";
string exStack = "unknow Exception is null";
if (task.Exception != null)
//Log all the Exceptions (maybe lots)
foreach (var ex in task.Exception.InnerExceptions)
exMessage = ex.Message;
exStack = ex.StackTrace;
string errlog = $"Stuff , Exception : {exMessage} , Stack : {exStack} ";
//Update Your UI here with Errors
Label.Text = $"Error on stuff {exMessage}, with stack {exStack}";
return; // exit on error
} ////////////////////////// end exception handling ///////////////////////////////////
// do this on the UI thread once the task has finished..
// The task has completed without any issues so do your stuff
}, System.Threading.CancellationToken.None, TaskContinuationOptions.None, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext());
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