Monday, 28 March 2011

Runs last week

Milage is creeping up and I'm putting myself in to a good state of mind by really looking forward to the long runs on a Sunday.  So far I've ran 105 miles in March, might not sound a lot but 32 of those where last week.

Tues:  3 mile 24 mins.
Wed:  7 mile, 60~ mins
Fri:     7.75 mile,   1:09 (slowing it down)
Sun:   15 mile, 2:13:01,  8:52 min/mi

Sunday run was great, really enjoyed myself, we left Scotston centre and headed up via Milngavie to Craigmaddie Reservoir. I stuck with the group all the way up, which meant quite a few stops and starts as there is quite a few climbs and dips.  my trusty Garmin 305 reported a total climb and dip of 2000ft; all those little hills do make a difference. Craigmaddie is a lovely place even for a stroll and if this your local running spot you are lucky indeed.

Once at the top I was very fresh and ready for my run down. I left the pack and decided to put a few fast miles in order to push my endurance up and to push myself a bit. Miles 9,10 and 11 where sub 8min/mi and 12,13,14 and 15 where sub 8:30. I am getting fitter and I noticed on my Friday run I was doing 9min/mi without even breaking breath.

Map is as follow as usual provided by Bob Porteous who is running the Running Network marathon training.

16 miles this Sunday; which is only 1 more than last week :)

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